Ekskluzivan 3.0 stan / K Distrikt
- Tip nekretnine Stan
- Kvadratura 97 m2
- Broj soba 3.0
Skockano u K distriktu
Dovoljan je samo jedan korak da kročite u jedinstveni prostor dnevne zone. I samo jedan pogled da vas impresionira beskompromisni dizajn, ideja dosledno sprovedena od početka do kraja. Nema lutanja, mešanja stilova, neodlučnosti.
Jarke oranž i zemljane površine, zelenilo i dekoracija efektni su akcenti unutar relativno tamnog elegantnog prostora koji daju dozu senzualnosti ovom enterijeru snažne, muške energije.
Poseban kvalitet stana je prostor za odlaganje koji bi zadovoljio i najveće kolekcionare cipela i tašni. Unutar veće spavaće sobe je i dragoceni walk-in closet, a čitav boks mudro je vizuelno neutralisan ogledalima.
2 spavaće sobe
2 kupatila
garazno mesto 150eur
Comfort in K district
Just one step is enough to find yourself in a unique space of the living area. And just one look at it to feel impressed with uncompromising design, an idea consistently implemented from start to finish. No wandering, mixing styles, indecision.
Bright orange and sandy surfaces, greenery and decoration are attractive accents within a relatively dark elegant space. They add a touch of sensuality to the place of otherwise strong, masculine energy.
A special quality of the apartment is the storage space that would satisfy even the biggest collectors of shoes and handbags. Inside the master bedroom there is a precious walk-in closet, and the entire box is visually wisely neutralized with mirrors.
97 sqm
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Best selection of exclusive homes & properties.
Please feel free to contact us for further information or assistance in finding a suitable property in Belgrade for rent.
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